read the printed word!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I've been found ...

Yesterday I found a strange email ...

It was in the email that links from my web site, which is one that I do not regularly use for my everyday correspondence. You pretty much have to go to the web site to get it. So, pretty much, anything in there has come from someone who has actually visited my site (spam is filtered).

So it was a press release, and after reading it, or actually, as I was finishing reading it, I read the last line ... "I hope you will write about us in your blog or other writings" ...

OK, I will. I don't get requests very often, so if anyone is interested, Tony Hawk will be lending his voice to Cyberchase this fall, I think for four episodes. Tony Hawk, the skateboard dude (so how would I know his voice if I heard it?) on Cyberchase, the computer/math mystery cartoon with the voice of Gilbert Godfrey for one of its main characters, I just love that!

At first I was puzzled as to how I got on this publicist's mailing list, but then I figured out it would only take a couple of keyword searches. It was actually pretty long for a press release, and I really only skimmed and deleted, but it serves as a little (small, very small, yet ...) affirmation that yes, I am a writer, and my writing can be used as a service to others, as in publicity. And it confirms that I can be "found", I am definitely on the Grid.
And its also a nice little reminder that I haven't submitted my site to the search engines in awhile ... so it's about time (but nice to know that I still show up!).
Anyway, tune in this fall to Cyberchase to hear the voice of Tony Hawk, the skateboard dude who talks. Since we have a little skateboard dude of our own here, we probably will check it out. (This is a paid advertisement, paid with compliments, of course!)

1 comment:

Running2Ks said...

Welcome to the grid. Big Brother is on you like white on rice.