read the printed word!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Twitter-facing the blog

I got this laptop to help me with my writing. And I am writing ... a new profile for Facebook (which really could be better ... why do I have so much trouble writing about myself?), a Twitter here, a Twitter there, all in the quest to get more readers for my column.

What column? Oh yeah, for awhile here I kept my two selves separate. My blog self was just a housewife with a couple of kids and an occasional interesting anecdote. My writing self stayed away. No real names, no faces ... oh well, a feeble attempt at anonymity. No more.

Please go read my column at . Read it every month, you'll love it, really. My practical self, writing Parent-to-Parent "advice" ... okay, suggestions really. A lot of "this is what works for me" kind of stuff, or "heard on the playground" (and in the teacher's lounge, what a gold mine for inspiration that is!). News you can use.

Then come back here for more of those anecdotes, maybe a movie review (since we seem to hit just about every one ... go see Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino!) and maybe I'll get around to letting you know what I think about all the books we read around here (the usual Wimpy Kid and Magic Treehouse stuff, and I'm currently working my way through Wally Lamb's latest).

And lots more art. Maybe some food mishaps, but those can always be turned into art, too.

So go. Read (that's Parent-to-Parent column, and then stay for the rest of the goods). Befriend me on Facebook. Follow me on Twitter (link at left). Just don't show up for dinner ... not yet anyway.

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